Charging For School Activities – in order to enrich and supplement the curriculum, the children are sometimes taken out
on trips. Where these involve coach travel and/or entrance fees, the school will have to ask the parents to contribute towards
the cost of the trip. While these contributions are not compulsory, if too few parents are willing to help with the expenses the
trip may not take place.
Where possible, in order to reduce costs, visits in by specialist providers are organised, when the cost to parents will be much
lower. Glendale often subsidises trips from school funds, but cannot bear the full cost over the year.
No child will be excluded from any activities if the parents cannot or will not make a contribution. Pupil Premium funding is
available to support children who meet the criteria. Letters informing parents/carers of such activities have a space to indicate
that you would like to access the funding ‘Get Into It Funding.’
Parents/carers are encouraged to come in and talk to a member of staff if there are issues.
Out of Hours Activities – the school regularly offers out of hours activities, which may be charged for.